
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review: April 2013 Birchbox Unboxed

Finally received my April Birchbox in the mail today, yay.  I guess. 

The theme of this month’s box is “Tiny Tweaks, Big Results”, and offers a selection of items that aren’t entirely worthless, but still nothing I am going to go crazy over.  Apparently this is a special box; I’m not exactly sure what is special about it, aside from the theme, but it does indeed blow March’s box out of the water.  Which really isn’t saying much. 

In my excitement, I checked a bunch of beauty blogs this week, just to see what was in everyone else’s box, and I have to say that I liked everyone else’s better than mine, for the most part.  Hahaha.  Isn’t that the way it always goes?

This month included a “free” subscription to Women’s Health magazine.  Send no money, receive no bill.  Free, right?  Well, it says right on the card that if you do NOT want the magazine subscription, you can send the card in to get a refund of $9.99.  Which means it isn’t free.  Somehow, someway, I imagine this magazine is going to get money from me, or else they wouldn’t be offering me a refund.  It simply doesn’t make sense.   Unless Women’s Health just gives free money away to people for no reason.  Sounds legit, right?  Yeah, no. However, I did check my bank account statement, and no money has been taken as of yet.  I think I will send the card in (I could care less about the magazine, but I love the ads!), and just keep a close eye on my bank statement to see if money ever gets collected for it in the future.  I admit I am a bit skeptical of internet scams, because they are EVERYWHERE.  Almost everything is a scam on the internet, and I honestly would not be surprised if this was, too.  

I will definitely be using the color changing nail polish (yay!), the eye cream, and the shave cream from this month’s box, but the rest I’m not really sure about.  But I do know that the tea is going straight in the garbage.  I wanted the fucking macaroons.  

Whish Shave Crave Shaving Cream - Full-size: $20

Ruby Wing Color Changing Nail Polish in "Peony".  Full-size: $10

Lifestyle extra!  Mighty Leaf Tea pouches.  15 pouches: $9.95 

Supergoop Adanced SPF 37 Anti-Aging Eyecream (left) Full-size: $45
(Malin + Goetz) Peppermint Shampoo (right) Full-size: $20

Potential scam!

Please note:  I do not know that the magazine offer is a scam, nor do I know it's not.  I would advise everyone to proceed with caution when sending this in.  I don't mean to badmouth Birchbox for said potential scam, but at the same time, anything that sounds too good to be true usually is.


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